Morpheus Unbound  |  Supporting Cast  |  Hero System


Background: The being know on Earth as Blackthorn is an alien scout of the Vauvox race. He crash-landed on Earth when his ship was shot down by Raven. His crashed scout ship was found by VIPER agents who immediately decided they wanted to kill him and steal his sip and technology. However, he killed the agents and stole their equipment. As a bit of revenge and honor, he has decided to hunt VIPER. He steals their equipment and sells it to his contact for cash, equipment and information.

The FBI discovered him a long time ago, but they also discovered that he is good at finding VIPER cells. Also, if they give him leads to VIPER cells, he can be manipulated into disabling them at a comparatively low risk to civilians or the FBI.

Personality/Motivation:  Blackthorn hunts VIPER for the sport of it.  It's an intellectual challenge.  He will also take other work, particularly from his contact, to help pay for the necessities of life like food and shelter.  Ultimately, he needs to build a communications device to contact his people.

Quote:  "I am the shadow in the night.  I am the trap in the grass, waiting for the snake to slither by."

Powers/Tactics: He carries a VIPER blaster rifle, and four vicious looking Vauvox combat knives, which he can also throw. He is proficient enough to use (or throw) one with each hand (Autofire).

He avoids direct combat, instead preferring guerilla tactics, especially against many foes. He will always try to get under cover, then Find Weakness repeatedly against as many foes as possible. When he begins fighting, he will concentrate on one foe until that foe is down. When stalking VIPER agents, he is extremely careful. He will never attack anyone if there remains any doubt.

Appearance: He has flat black skin, and white pupil-less eyes. He has no body hair; his head hair is long and stark white. His finger nails and toe nails are also stark white.

Campaign Use: Blackthorn is a foil for VIPER and if the PCs ever run afoul of the FBI, they may have Blackthorn sent after them.


Value Characteristic Cost 100+ Disadvantages
20 Strength 10 15 Hunted: VIPER, 8- (M.Pow, NCI)
20 Dexterity 30 10 Watched: FBI, 8- (M.Pow, NCI)
20 Constitution 20 10 Watched: METE, 8- (M.Pow, NCI)
10 Body 0 10 Psych. Lim.: Hunts VIPER
13 Intelligence 3 15 Distinctive Features: Skin and hair
11 Ego 2 20 Vulnerability: 2x Effect from Magic
14 Presence 4 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
14 Comeliness 2 5 Poverty Stricken
8+ Physical Defense 4 10 Psych. Lim.: Extremely protective of innocents and bystanders
8+ Energy Defense 4
4 Speed 10
9 Recovery 2
40 Endurance 0
30 Stun 1
Characteristic Total 91 105 Experience Spent
Power Total 224 310 Disadvantage Total
Total Points 315
Points Power End Cost
2 Running +1"
5 Flash Defense (5 sight, 2 hearing, 2 smell), Act. 14- (-1/2) (Nictating membranes)
2 Lack of Weakness (7), Act. 8-
2 Mental Sense, Concentrate (-1/2)
36 Armor (12, 12)
2 Armor (2,2), Eyes Only (-2), Act. 14- (-1/2) (Nictating Membranes)
3 Enhanced Senses +1 all PER rolls
2 Power Defense (7), Act. 8-
2 Mental Defense (10), Act. 8-
3 LS: Immune to Disease
30 8d6 EB, [32] ×4 (+1/2), OAF: VIPER Blaster Rifle 0
10 Multipower 22.5-pt reserve, OAF: Nasty Throwable Vauvox Combat Knives (-1), -1/2 Variable Lim. (-1/4)
1 u 1d6 RKA, Autofire-2 (+1/2), [4c] recoverable (-1/2) 0
1 u 1d6 HKA (2d6 w/STR), Autofire-2 (+1/2), must have at least one charge, two for Autofire (-1/2) 1
Skills Roll
"INT-based" skills
3 PS: Galactic Scout 12-
3 Deduction 12-
3 (Astro)Navigation 12-
2 KS: Astronomy 11-
2 KS: Milky Way Galaxy 11-
2 KS: United States 11-
2 Systems Operation 11-
2 Streetwise 11-
1 Fam.: Inventor 8-
1 Fam.: Mechanic 8-
1 Fam.: Geology 8-
"DEX-based" skills
3 Stealth 13-
3 Combat Piloting (Scout Craft) 13-
General skills
3 Survival 11-
3 Language (English, Fluent, No Accent)
0 Language (Vauvox, native)
4 Transport Fam.: Space Vehicles, Small Ground Vehicles
3 Traveler
3 Linguist
5 Weapon Fam.: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Ship to Ship Heavy Weapons
Talent Roll
3 Resistance +1
5 Defense Maneuver
3 Ambidexterity
60 Find Weakness, all attacks 17-
3 Contact: Fixer (trades VIPER equipment for cash and information, secretly an FBI agent

Copyright © 1997, 1998 by Morpheus Unbound.  All rights reserved.
Last updated 21 November 1998 by Patric L. Rogers.
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