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Created 1992 by Patric L. Rogers

Background: Born during the Vietnam era, Colin Arthur Thompson was raised to appreciate democracy, hard work, and the First Amendment of the Constitution. He was smart, inquisitive, and always asking questions, even when there were risks involved. He received his first Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from MIT in 1986, and was immediately recruited by PRIMUS. He worked for PRIMUS until 1993, variously as a field agent, scientist, and special investigations officer, while simultaneously earning two more advanced technical degrees. In 1993, at the request of the Golden Avenger, he was transferred to a special espionage group within PRIMUS.

During his early college days, he was approached by VIPER agents who wanted to recruit him. Because of his deep ethics and respect for the American way, he not only declined, he worked with PRIMUS and the police to break up a VIPER cell. His relationship with VIPER has declined ever since (among other things, he's improved upon and patented two of their designs, and set them back twice by corrupting critical data files with computer virii).

Personality/Motivation: Hardware is a brilliant scientist who works for the United States government. Because he gets bored easily and really wants to field test his own gadgets, he was assigned to a special espionage group within PRIMUS under the command of Equinox. (Equinox is a retired PRIMUS super agent.) Other than Hardware, this team is composed of petty super-criminals given a second chance. After only a few missions, the group became known as "Disaster One". Their ability to accomplish the goals of the mission was exceeded only by their ability to create chaos and terror within the enemy. Equinox now has a t-shirt which reads "Because I didn't tell them not to, my agents went to a secret military installation in Nevada and all I got was this lousy t-shirt." When the other commanders annoy him, Equinox threatens to have his agents transferred to their departments. Despite all this "Disaster One" has never failed a mission, and never been defeated in combat.

Publicly he is a renowned scientist and inventor, and has spoken at two scientific conferences, and one technology conference. A number of technological corporations use one or more of his patents, and because he patents one or two products every year, these corporations keep an eye on him to see what he will make next. He keeps his work with "Disaster One" secret from the world to protect his reputation and credibility. Several agencies within the U.S. government consider him worth monitoring: some see him as a national asset, some as a potential target of foreign nations, and others as a dangerous maverick.

Quote:  "Look, boss, I know you just wanted us to scout the place out for the UNTIL assault later today, but since we're  already here, we're going to raze it, OK?"
"*grrzzzrrr* What boss?  I can't *pshshshttt* hear you!  Lot's of *pshshttttt* static on the line!  *fztsz* Thanks for approving our plan!"
     "Einstein had some great ideas, but as Hawking shows..."
     "What?  Grond is on a rampage again?  No problem!"
     "Here, Utility, let me fix that for you..."

Powers/Tactics: Hardware possess no superhuman abilities. However, he is a skilled scientist, and has received training as a PRIMUS investigative and assault agent. He responded moderately well to the Cyberline drug treatment program, and retains some of the benefits from that.

His greatest asset, however, is his intuitive understanding of machines, chemicals and biological systems. He always carries a number of tools and gadgets with him, and when operating in the field, his uniform becomes an exercise in concealing and organizating miniaturized devices and equipment. He does not carry assembled devices, instead he carries interchangeable modular components. These components can be separated and reassembled into an almost infinite variety of devices very quickly (requiring 1 turn to 1 minute). All quickly assembled field his devices are hardened against magnetic fields and EMP (cannot take Not In Intense Magnetic Fields), but often are not waterproof (Not Underwater -1/4) and lack variable power settings (Beam -1/4). He always carries an assortment of his patented capacitors (Endurance Reserve END) and patent pending energy cells (which generate energy, Endurance Reserve REC or Reduced Endurance Cost). Sometimes he hurries the assembly process or has to use less than ideal components (Activation). All devices are Foci.

Some Limitations that are not appropriate for the Gadget Pool: Charges, Burnout, Jam.

He avoids direct combat, instead preferring guerilla tactics, especially against many foes. He always tries to get under cover, and Dodges when attacked. When he begins fighting, he concentrates on one foe until that foe is down. He is extremely careful about any danger to innocent victims and many of this weapons do Stun only.

Appearance: He is 5'11", 165 lbs. He has conservatively cut brown hair, and brown eyes. Sometimes he wears glasses to look more like a scientist, although he really doesn't need them. He's in his late 20's, but his hands look younger and his eyes look older. His eyes reflect a deep wisdom, although his mouth is often grinning like a trickster.

Value Characteristic Cost 100+ Disadvantages
15 Strength 5 3 PRIMUS package
20 Dexterity 30 20 hunted: VIPER, 8-
15 Constitution 10 10 monitored: PRIMUS, 8-
11 Body 2 20 hunted: DEMON, 8-
18 Intelligence 8 20 normal characteristic maxima
11 Ego 2 15 psych: believes technology can solve any problem
18 Presence 8 15 psych: sworn to protect innocents
14 Comeliness 2 10 psych: reckless with self, "the immortality of youth"
5 Physical Defense 2 5 psych: wants to play chess with Dr. Destroyer
4 Energy Defense 1 5 rep.: government (PRIMUS) scientist, 8-
4 Speed 10 5 rivalry: other gadgeteers
6 Recovery 0 15 secret id
30 Endurance 0 10 subject to orders
27 Stun 0
Characteristic Total 80 24 Experience Spent
Power Total 197 277 Disadvantage Total
Total Points 277
Points Power End Cost
70 Gadget Pool, 70 point VPP
23 Control cost, Materials (-1/4), Must have at least -1/2 in Variable Limitations (-1/4)
2 Running +1"
8 Endurance Reserve, 60 END, 6 REC for Gadget Pool, same Limitations, "Capacitors and Energy Cells"
16 Commando Training
Martial Strike, +2 DCV, 5d6
Martial Throw, +1 DCV, 3d6+v/5, opponent falls
Martial Disarm, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 25 STR Disarm
Choke Hold, -2 OCV, 2d6 NND
4 Weapon Fam.: small arms, common melee weapons
2 AK: New York City 11-
1 AK: World 8-
3 Combat Driving 13-
3 Computer Programming 13-
3 Concealment 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Criminology 13-
3 Deduction 13-
3 Forensic Work 13-
3 High Society 13-
3 Inventor 13-
1 KS: Chess 11-
1 KS: Computer Systems 11-
1 KS: Criminal Law 11-
1 KS: Criminal Organizations 11-
1 KS: Criminal Psychology 11-
1 KS: Financial Markets 11-
1 KS: Police Procedure 11-
1 KS: Power Systems 11-
1 KS: PRIMUS 11-
1 KS: United States 11-
1 PS: Mechanical Engineer 11-
1 PS: Medical Doctor 11-
1 SCI: Biology 11-
1 SCI: Electrical Engineering 11-
1 SCI: Genetics 11-
1 SCI: Mechanical Engineering 11-
1 SCI: Organic Chemistry 11-
3 Shadowing 11-
3 Stealth 13-
3 Streetwise 13-
3 Scientist
3 Scholar
3 Jack-of-all-Trades
5 Wealth: Well-off
1 Passport

Copyright © 1997-2000, 2011 by Morpheus Unbound.  All rights reserved.
Last updated 22 November 2011 by Patric L. Rogers.
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