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Background: Lance Bruns was an opportunistic kid who wanted to enter the law enforcement field to exploit the power over others. However, while in college he got diverted by Genocide and became an agent. In a rare agreement with that agency, VIPER trained several Genocide agents in agent tactics and Find Weakness skills. Bruns found he had a natural talent for identifying the weak points in structures and living beings and he combined this talent with marksmanship to become an effective sniper. Bruns used his skills to help Genocide hunt down several dangerous mutants. As long as he was hunting criminal mutants everything was fine, but he never quite understood or liked the more fanatical members of Genocide.

Sometime later, Bruns' lust for power turned to a drive for justice. When his Genocide cell killed dozens of innocents in a botched attempt to murder a teenage pre-manifested mutant, something snapped and he realized that while the goal of stopping dangerous mutants was the right thing to do, Genocide is lead by fanatics as dangerous as the mutants. He stole some experimental VIPER equipment and started a new life, first as a mercenary (spending two years in Africa and Southeast Asia) and later as a costumed vigilante in the U.S. All through his travels, both Genocide and VIPER have stalked him trying to recapture him for his skills and knowledge of their operations. Because of his ability to gradually erode or degrade the defenses of his targets, he took the codename "Sapper." (Middle French ,16th c., verb transitive, 1 : to subvert by digging or eroding the substratum or foundation : UNDERMINE,  2 a : to gradually diminish the supply or intensity of <sapped her strength>.)

Personality/Motivation: Bruns is a normal guy with a very cynical attitude about things. He detests fanatics and zealots and would like to see them rooted out of Genocide. He values his privacy, and jealously guards his identity. Somewhere along the line, he grew up and his goal of power over others became a sense of responsibility for protecting others.

Quotes: "Get a clue, war between mutants and humans is inevitable."
"Lomax Kijarat is a great man."
"The Chicago Bulls have a great team this year, don't they?"

Powers/Tactics: Sapper is basically an agent with an incredible talent for identifying the weak points of targets. Unfortunately, this is of limited or no defensive value and he knows it. Therefore he will avoid direct conflict in favor of sniping attacks. He will keep as much distance as possible between himself and the fight. He will begin by using Find Weakness at least once on each foe in a fight, as this will give him a good chance to injure that opponent. Only then will he reveal himself by sniping at the enemy. If he can reduce a target's defenses to 1/8 or lower, the target will usually be Stunned, rendered unconscious or both by his first attack. Because of his low CV, he must make extensive use of Set and Brace maneuvers.

Due to the extensive mental conditioning (read: brain-washing) he received from both Genocide and VIPER, he is vulnerable to Mental Attacks. It was his rage and guilt over the reckless endangerment of innocent lives that lead him to leave Genocide in the first place, and he has been known to compromise a mission if it would endanger innocent people. He is vulnerable to sonic attacks because he has had his ear drums shattered more than once while he was an agent for Genocide.

The armor is an experimental design by VIPER and is extremely light weight. It also has a full helmet with infrared HUD display. The auto-blaster is a prototype, and as such can be extremely finicky if not calibrated correctly (Activation).

Appearance: Bruns is 5'10" tall and in good physical condition. He jogs and lift weights regularly. He has brown hair cut to military shortness and brown eyes. As Sapper he carries a high tech blaster rifle and wears full body armor. His armor is VIPER green and silver.

Campaign Use:  When operating alone, Sapper will rarely attack large groups, but he will stalk one or two targets. His targets are usually mutant criminals. As part of a team, he will stay back and provide cover fire, trying to pick the enemy apart one at a time.

Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
13 STR 3 12- 160 kg; 2½d6 [1]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
13 CON 6 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
10 COM 0 11-
5 PD 2
4 ED 1
4 SPD 16
6 REC 0
26 END 0
25 STUN 1

Total Characteristics Cost: 49

Movement Running 8"/16"
Swimming 2"/4"

Powers and Skills:

Combat Training:
Defense maneuver (5)
Find Weakness, all attacks, 17- (60)
+4 v. Range with Find Weakness (12)
Skill Level: +1 OCV all ranged attacks (5)
Skill Levels: +2 v. Range Mod. with all attacks (6)

Experimental Blaster Auto-Rifle, OAF: Energy Blast, 9d6, Autofire-5, [32c]×2, Activate 15- (90/40)

Body Armor, OIF:
Armor (12, 12), Activate 15- (36/21)
IR Sight (5/3)

Running: +2" (4) [1/5"]

Law Enforcement Skills:
Criminology 11- (2)
Forensic Medicine 8- (1)
International Driver License (1)
KS: U.S. Criminal Law 11- (2)
Passport (1)

Mercenary Skills:
Concealment 12- (3)
Fast Draw 12- (3)
Light Sleep 12- (3)
PS: Mercenary 12- (3)
Shadowing 11- (3)
Skill Level:  +1 Concealment, Shadowing, Stealth (3)
Stealth 13- (3)
WF:  Small Arms, Thrown Knives/Axes (3)

Total Powers and Skills Cost: 184

Total Character Cost: 236

Disadvantages: 100+

Hunted by
Genocide, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
VIPER, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)

Normal Characteristic Maxima (20)

Psychological Limitations:
Protective of Innocents (Common, Strong) (15)
Seeks Justice (Common, Strong) (15)

Secret ID: Lance Bruns (15)

1.5× effect from Flash v. Hearing (5)
1.5× effect from Mental Powers (10)
1.5× STUN and BODY from Sonic Powers (20)

Total Disadvantage Points: 240

Copyright © 1998-1999 by Morpheus Unbound. All rights reserved.
Last updated 24 July 1999 by Patric L. Rogers.
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