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model unknown

Background & Origin:     Gevalia Bant wants to be a famous film screenwriter.  She has a lot of creative ideas, and she has lots of persistence.  Unfortunately, she lacks both talent and skill, and her screenplays suck.  Through sheer and relentless persistence, she has managed to alienate every major (and most minor) film industry players in Hollywood, Bollywood and Paris.  While alientating people, she managed to meet a special effects mad genius whose technology is outstanding, but whose safety protocols leave a lot to be desired, and so never got work either.  They make bitter drinking buddies, and over drinks one night, Bant got the idea to become a supervillain and write a documentary film about being a supervillain.  The gadgeteer built and maintains Bant's gloves and disk.

It is known that she enjoys her life as a mercenary supervillain.

Combat Tactics:
  While she is not above going for a quick-kill shot if she has surprise on a foe, she usually fights defensively, spending her first action activating Disintegration Ray defense, and her second action making attacks.  She has a good attack value, so frequently attacks two targets with a multiple action.

She tries to flee if her power disk gets to 7 charges or fewer.

Personality:  Bant is very serious. 

Appearance:  Bant is 5'6" tall, with bright blue eyes and long blond hair. 

Powers:  Bant herself has no powers.  She has a "disintegration disk," "power gloves," and some special training.  Mostly she has an attitude problem and a goal.

Notes:  model unknown

Bant - Villains & Vigilantes (2e)

Str 14, End 12, Int 10, Agl 15, Cha 12, 120 lbs., level 2

Basic Hits 3; Hit Modifier (1.2)(1.4)(1.0)(1.6) = 2.6880;  Hit Points 8; Power 51; Move 41" ground; Carrying Capacity 231 lbs.; Basic HTH 1d4; Accuracy +2; Damage Modifier +1; Detect Hidden 8%; Detect Danger 12%; Healing Rate 0.9; Inventing Points 0.0

Disintegration Ray Device ("power disk"):  As written, 22 charges per day, cost is 1 charge to activate defense (cost per turn), or 1 charge per attack.  This is a "Tron data disk" (like in the movie).  It is used to block incoming attacks, or can be thrown (it does not automatically return) or used as a melee weapon to harm a target.  It is SR 13, and about 1 cubic foot in size.  When the disk is activated, it cannot be handled without suffering a Disintegration Ray attack unless the person is wearing special equipment (such as Bant's "power gloves," below).

Invention ("power gloves"):  Because the "power disk" does not automatically return, Bant has acquired some very high tech gloves that allow her to manipulate and guide the disk (adding +2 to attack rolls), and also make it return to her hands almost instantly.

Training: The "power disk" is extremely durable.  Bant has learned to use it to parry or deflect incoming attacks, even when it is not activated.  Attackers suffer a -2 penalty on their attack rolls as long as she is conscious, mobile, aware of the incoming attack, and able to use the disk freely (i.e. can hold it and move her arms to block attacks).

Combat Summary:
  HTH +2 "to hit", 1d4+1 damage
Disintegration Disk: Disintegration Ray +4 "to hit", 1d20+1 damage


Bant - Living Legends (1e)

PHYS 9, REFL 11 (DODG 16), DEFT 11, INTL 7, COOL 7 (APP 11), VITL 7, Mass 55 kgs (d3 Mass effect), Fame 1

Skills: 2 @ +2 levels (5) (+3) [7 CP]
Profession: (INTL/S), filmmaker, +2 levels, d6 effect
Weapon: (DEFT/G), Disintegration, d10+1 effect

Disintegration Ray Disk [Equipment]
Defense: +1 (6), Equipment [carried] (-3) [4 CP]
Disintegration: 1d10 untyped (43), Range [12”] (+0), Charges [22 charges/day] (-1), Equipment [carried] (-3) [33 CP]
Shield:  5 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (1) [1 CP]
Equipment Extra Hit Points: +6 (7 total) [2 CP]

Power Gloves [Equipment]
Skill Bonus: +1 level with Weapon [disintegration ray] (3), Equipment [accessory] (-2) [2 CP] (see notes above)

Bant - Hero System (4e)

STR 11, DEX 21, CON 17, BODY 9, INT 10, EGO 12, PRE 12, COM 18, PD 10, ED 10, SPD 4, REC 5, END 34, STUN 30

Disintegration Disk:  4d6 RKA, Penetrating (+1/2), OAF (-1), Charges [16ch] (+0) (90 active, 45 real points)
Missile Deflection:  All attacks, OAF (-1) (10 points)
Skill Levels: +2 OCV RKA, OIF (-1/2) (3 points)

PS:  Filmmaker, 11-

Copyright © 2010-2011 by Patric L. RogersAll rights reserved.  Villains & Vigilantes and Living Legends are Trademarks of Monkey House Games.
V&V/LL transliteration to Hero System performed using conversion notes presented in a number of V&V products.  
Last updated 21 July 2011 by Patric L. Rogers
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