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Paladin by Jeff Phillips.  Used with permission. a.k.a. Brian Moore

Character created by Ken Solo.  Art by Jeff Phillips.


Brian Moore was a skilled holy man and warrior.  He was also a worshiper of the nature goddess Miliki.  A wizard he was chasing blasted him with a spell that sent him into a year called 1984.  Once there, Miliki contacted her faithful worshiper and gave him magical arms and armor so that he could continue his good works as defender of the weak and evangelize her faith.  He was a natural on the superhero set and defeated many villains.  Perhaps his most notable accomplishments against supervillains were his recurring slugfests with Mace of the Crushers and his reforming the martial arts villainous Kali.

He is 40 years old.  His cash on hand is measured in precious metals:  288 gold pieces, 15 platinum pieces, and 10 silver pieces.  He has also accumulated a few dollars: $261.84.

Notes:  Paladin was created in 1984 by Ken Solo.  For the next few years, Ken used the character in various games run by Patric Rogers.  The character changed a few times as some of his equipment was lost and some new equipment gained (in classic D&D character fashion).  This character sheet is reconstructed from decade-old notes.  


S 10, E 34, A 37, I 16, C 15, 120 lbs., Level 5

Basic Hits 3, Carrying Capacity 264 lbs., Basic HTH Damage 1d6, Hit Modifiers (1.0)(4.2)(1.2)(3.7) = 18.648, Hit Points 56, Power 97, Move 81" ground, 1496" flying, Healing Rate 3, Damage Modifier +6, Accuracy +6

Psionics:  He posseses natural psionic potential.  He can develop new abilities through training or an inventing point.

Heightened Endurance B:  +18.  He is naturally hardy and healthy.  
Vehicle:  He has a magic ring which can transform into any beast of burden or modern vehicle under 6000 pounds weight.  It gains all the movement and attack powers of the vehicle in question.  It can remain in vehicle form indefinitely.  If the vehicle form is destroyed (by taking more damage than it has hit points) it reverts to ring form.  In ring form, it is indestructable.
Heightened Agility B:  His magical boots boost his Agility by +23 points.
Devitalization Ray:  Another magical ring that grants him this power.  33 charges, 22" range, 5d10 damage to Power
Chemical Power:   A magical flask that lets him pour forth numerous chemicals per day (q.v. Alchemy Jug in the AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide 1st edition, page 137).
Sonic Abilities:  A magical wand grants him this power.  It has a 35" range and 29 charges.
Vibratory Powers:  A magical sword grants him these powers with no range.  By itself, the sword is +4 "to hit" HTH, +1d6 damage.  It can use a Vibratory Power attack as a carrier attack, PR = 2.
Armor B:  He has a full suit of magical plate armor with the following powers:

Weakness (Prejudice):  A few disasters during his early career has permanently ruined his reputation and the press completely misunderstands and misrepresents him.
Weakness (Phobia/Psychosis):  Paladin is unfailingly chivilrous.  While this may earn him up to a +3 reaction bonus in certain circles, it also seriously restricts his behavior.  After several painful experiences, he has learned to recognize that in the modern superheroic world that lady supervillains are not ladies at all and he will hit them.

Paladin is Copyright © 1984-1999 Ken G. Solo. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1999, 2001, 2005-2006, 2011 by Patric L. Rogers. All rights reserved.
Villains and Vigilantes and Living Legends are Trademarks of Monkey House Games.
Artwork Copyright © 2001 by Jeff Phillips. Used with permission.
Last updated 06 January 2011 by Patric L. Rogers.
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