Morpheus Unbound  |  Supporting Cast  |  Palladium Books

Mileena Halcyon

Created October, 1996 by Patric L. Rogers

Psylocke is property of Marvel Comics Group.Background: Mileena Halcyon (not her real name) was born in Czechoslovakia in the mid-1940's. She lived in a farming village, but learned how to avoid the soldiers and angry men that roamed the country-side. When she was 7, a strange Japanese man set up a small house down river from her village. Many in her village hated the Japanese, but no one ever bothered this man. Some said he was peaceful and harmless, others whispered the he was once a powerful holy man, and could kill with a touch.

Mileena first met the old monk when she was 10. She had wandered down river in search of one of her lambs. She fell into the river, became trapped by a log and would have drowned if the old Zen monk had not saved her. He also saved the lamb. His manner was calm and peaceful. He invited Mileena and her lamb back to his home to dry off, and Mileena, entranced, followed. She really liked the old monk, finding him very grand-fatherly and she stayed the entire day.

While she was visiting the monk, Mileena's family was killed in an accident. When she returned home, she was devastated. The next morning, she ran away in grief. She found herself back at the monk's home. When he saw her, he gently comforted her. Later, she began training as his pupil in the arts of Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu.

When she was 19, she enlisted in the Czech Army. There, her unusual skills enabled her to progress rapidly, and she moved into guerilla warfare training. She stayed with the Army for six years, often visiting her Japanese "grandfather." During her time in the Army, she also learned that her parents had been murdered by the state, but she never learned why. Disenchanted, she moved to Japan, to visit relatives of her "grandfather." She traveled the world for many years, until she found herself at a Zen monastery in Tibet. There, she found her destiny - to protect the world from evil supernatural creatures.

Personality/Motivation: Cautious and careful. She observes everything from a distance, only moving when the time is right. She relentlessly stalks supernatural evil, and for the last ten years has been tracking "the Ruby Dragon". The "Ruby Dragon" is a being of supernatural evil, but Mileena is not clear if the "Dragon" is really a dragon, or is actually some other creature.

Quote: "There are forces beyond the understanding of mortal man. It is my destiny to confront them and protect our world from them."

Powers/Tactics: Mileena is a fantastic hand-to-hand combatant, and has learned special skills to help her combat supernatural evil. She is also an accomplished world traveler.

Appearance: 5'6", 135 lbs. Very muscular with olive skin tone, black hair and brown eyes. She appears to be in her mid-30's..

Campaign Use: Mileena could appear in any adventure where supernatural evil exists.

Mileena Halcyon

IQ 15, ME 20, MA 11, PS 11, PP 14, PE 12, PB 11, Spd 8

H.P. (PE + 21), S.D.C. (20), P.P.E. 8, Chi (PE)

Unprincipled 7th level Wandering Free Agent

Skill Programs

Guerilla Warfare, Surveillance Specialist, Oriental Cultures, Languages, Physical, Containment Fabrication

Selected O.C.C. Skills (not including those required by Programs, but including those granted by Martial Art styles)

Archery, Boxing, Calligraphy, Fasting (+5), Fencing, Geomancy (+5), Go, Gymnastics, Ikebana, Philosphies (+5), Prowl, Speak/Read/Write Arabic (-6L), Speak/Read/Write Chinese (+20), Speak/Read/Write Czechoslovakian (+43), Speak/Read/Write Dutch (-2L), Speak/Read/Write English, Speak/Read/Write German, Speak/Read/Write Hungarian, Speak/Read/Write Japanese (+2L, +10), Speak/Read/Write Korean (+5), Speak/Read/Write Russian, Speak/Read/Write Spanish, Swimming: Advanced, Zen

Secondary Skills

Computer Operation, Escape Artist, First Aid, Mountaineering, Palming, Pick Locks, Running

Martial Arts Styles

Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu, HTH Basic, Jujutsu (-3L)

Weapon Proficiencies

W.P. Assault Rifle, W.P. Bokken, W.P. Daisho (+2L), W.P. Knife, W.P. Naginata, W.P. Pistol, W.P. Rifle/Shotgun, W.P. Spear, W.P. Sub-machine gun, W.P. Sword - Katana, W.P. Sword - Wakizashi


Mileena usually dresses to be inconspicuous. Whenever possible, she will carry an automatic pistol with extra clip, and a combat knife concealed on her person. She also wears light armor under her clothes (A.R. 10, SDC 30, completely inobvious under most clothes).

The Temple of the Nine Dragons gave her two mystic swords to use in combating supernatural evil. These Daisho - paired Katana and Wakizashi - were constructed in the third century, and 17 centuries of worship and prayer have endowed them with minor magic abilities. Both weapons are A.R. 14 (treat as natural armor), have 500 S.D.C. if attacked, and can regenerate 1 S.D.C. per week. They are +3 to Strike and Damage against supernatural evil creatures. Mileena is the youngest person to wield them in 1300 years, and was only given them because of her devotion to destroying the supernatural forces which threaten the humanity, and a prophecy which suggests that she will defeat the great evil represented by the Ruby Dragon. (In Rifts, the swords have 350 M.D.C., regenerate 1 M.D.C. per day, and cause mega-damage to supernatural evil creatures, and hit point damage to vampires and were-creatures.)

Copyright © 1996-2000 by Morpheus Unbound.
Last updated 26 February 2000 by Patric L. Rogers.
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