Morpheus Unbound  |  GURPS  |  Empire

Empire of Dreams:  Clan Terralopsian

Very little is known about the xenophobic and highly advanced Terralopsians.  They were the first race within the Empire to develop space travel.  They had decades or centuries to observe the other worlds before those worlds developed space travel.

Terralopsians are natural Pacifists (self-defense only), incredible xenophobes, and natural teleports.  (If an off-worlder walked in to a room of Terralopsians, she would quickly find herself in an empty room.)  Terralopsians are the most intelligent species in the Empire, as well as the most advanced (TL12 or higher).

The Terralopsians have terraformed two planets within their star system.  Both planets are protected by planetary force fields capable of deflecting any known bombardment.  Orbiting each planet are literally thousands of star bases and satellites, as well as the famous Terralopsian Shipyards where some of the most powerful spacecraft have been built.  No off-worlders are allowed on the planets.  Only the bravest (or most insane) of the Terralopsians live on these space stations and have regular contact with off-worlders.  Many off-worlders suspect that the Terralopsians they meet on these starbases are really some form of synthetic construct.  The Terralopsian's look so much like normal Empire humans, that many suspect they are not really human at all and that's why no one is allowed on their planets.

It is common belief within the Empire that the Terralopsians manufactured the stargates to faciliate commerce and communication within the Empire.  This is a belief that the Terralopsians foster.  [The truth about the stargates is that they are Precurser artifacts.]  If the Terralopsians know anything about the stargates that the Imperial University doesn't know, they aren't telling.

Known Racial Advantages:  IQ +6, Eidetic Memory +1, Hard to Kill +3, Immune to Disease, Longevity, Unusual Background (Psi), Teleport (Power 10).

Known Racial Disadvantages:  Xenophobia (extreme).

Copyright © 1997, 1998 Morpheus Unbound.  All rights reserved.
GURPS is a Trademark of Steve Jackson Games.
last updated 21 November 1998 by Patric L. Rogers.  
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