Morpheus Unbound  |  House Rules

Extending the shooting range of powers in the Villains & Vigilantes SHRPG

This material was also posted to the WebRPG V&V forum at this location. Here's an idea to boost range of attacks. it borrows ideas from other games (e.g. GURPS, Palladium).

Assume the range listed in the V&V rulebook is the "1/2 damage range". This is the maximum effective range of the power, and it rapidly fades beyond that. from the listed range to twice the listed range, the power is -4 "to hit", and does 1/2 damage.  Beyond twice the range in the V&V book, the attack does no damage and only runs into something when the GM determines it worthwhile.

For example, Phobia can throw her hellbolts 75' with great accuracy and devastating effect (Power Blast, 15").  However, the actual hellbolt will travel much farther and with effort she can damage things beyond this range (up to 30", 1d10 damage, -4 "to hit").

Be sure to take note of range modifiers in the rule book.


Copyright © 2001 by Morpheus Unbound.  All rights reserved.
Last updated 09 September 2001 by Patric L. Rogers.
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