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Concept: Character is a living biotech factory. Constantly creates the raw materials for organic and synthetic chemicals with which to build modified bacterial and viral agents. These raw materials can be assembled nearly instantly to create these organic agents.  These agents can then be released in a variety of ways (typically through modified extrudable needle sharp finger bones, excreted body fluids or breath). The character cannot release raw chemicals; chemical attacks must be transmitted by a bacterial or viral agent.  As a side-effect of these processes, the character is immune to disease, toxins, has a sanitized metabolism, has a hyperaccelerated healing rate and is resistant to conventional injury.

The character is an Indian from India.  The character is a mutant orphan, grown up on the streets selling recreational drugs to survive.

EC - Biotech Factory, -1 Variable Limitation (-0.5)
  1. Weakening Agent: Drain, 2d6 v. Any One Characteristic or Power (+1), +1.5 Variable Advantage (+2.5),
  2. Alteration Agent: Transform, 2d6, Cumulative, Anything to Biotech Affected Version of Itself (+1), +1.5 Variable Advantage (+2.5), No Range (-0.5)
  3. Boosting Agent: Aid, 4d6 v. Any One Characteristic or Power (+1), +1.5 Variable Advantage (+2.5),
  4. Generic Attack Agent: Energy Blast, 6d6, +1.5 Variable Advantage (+2.5), No Range (-0.5),
  5. Hallucinogen: Mental Illusions, 9d6, Based on CON (-0.5), Visible (-0.25), +1 Variable Advantage (+2), No Range (-0.5),
  6. Compulsion Inducing Agent: Mind Control, 9d6, Based on CON (-0.5), Visible (-0.25), +1 Variable Advantage (+2), No Range (-0.5),
  7. Truth Serum: Telepathy, 9d6, Based on CON (-0.5), Visible (-0.25), Cannot Exceed EGO +10, +1 Variable Advantage (+2), No Range (-0.5)

Typical Advantages include Range, Area Effect, Explosion, Trigger, Time Delay, Reduced Endurance Cost, NND (immune to Disease or Poison), AVLD (Force Field or Armor), Armor Piercing, Penetrating.

Typical Limitations are Gestures, Concentration, Activation Roll (incl. Jam but not Burnout), Reduced by Range, HKA Must Cause BODY.

EC - Healing Factor:

  1. Life Support: Sanitized Metabolism, Immune to Disease, Immune to Poison, Retarded Aging,
  2. Regeneration: 2 BODY / minute,
  3. Power Defense +10, Hardened (+0.25),
  4. Aid, 6d6 to Any One Characteristic or Power Below Normal (+1), Not to Exceed Normal (-0.5), Uncontrolled (+1), Continuous (+0.5), Always On (-0.5), 0 END (+0.5), Usable Only on Self (-0.5)

Extrudable Finger Bones: HKA: 0.5d6 (1d6+1 w/STR)
Hardiness: Damage Reduction: 0.5 PD, 0.5 ED
Tough Skin and Bone: Armor +3 rPD, +3 rED


STR 13, DEX 14, CON 30, BODY 20, INT 19, EGO 11, PRE 13, COM 14, PD 5, ED 4, SPD 5, REC 16, END 60, STUN 50


SC: Biotechnology, 11-; SC: Pathology, 8-; KS: Local History, 11-; KS: Hobby, 11-; Streetwise, 12-; Fluent English w/accent; Fluent Hindi (native); Basic Japanese; Fluent [other Indian language] w/accent; Basic [other Indian language]; Linguist; AK: New Deli, 8-; AK: London, 8-


Biotech Factory slots A through C can be combined with Uncontrolled Continuous for really nasty agents. Multiple applications of Trigger or Time Delay Drain can build up for a really nasty attack and surprise (and overwhelm) a target later. Linking A (Stun) and B can create agents to not only cause change, but they hurt like hell.

For a really vile attack, Drain with Delayed Return.

Copyright © 1998, 2000 by Morpheus Unbound. All rights reserved.
Last updated 03 March 2000 by
Patric L. Rogers.
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