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Carapace Boy

ElNod SyncMastGyrul the Third was born on the planet Tfosorcim. Tfosorcim has two intelligent species. Both have developed culture and civilization, but neither had developed convenient planetary travel before the Galatic Community found them.

The Por’rif are humanoid and evolved in the high plateaus of the southern continent. The plateaus are constantly buffeted by the high winds which pick up sand and dirt from the deserts before passing over the plateaus. While this provides the plateaus with a constant supply of fresh soil, it is also hard on the people and plant life. Therefore all the species developed strong limbs and thick armored hides to protect them from the abrasive atmosphere. The Por’rif are descended from hunters, and as such developed the peculiar ability called the "mind-shadow". This is the ability to project limited illusions into the minds of others nearby, with the most common manifestation being a sphere of inky darkness. Each Por’rif is immune to the effects of his own "mind-shadow" manifestations, but other Por’rif - even relatives - are not automatically immune. Many legends tell of Por’rif who have learned to use their powers for much greater and wider range of effects.

The young ElNod showed great promise, his strength and toughness exceeded that of any of the children around him (even as an adolescent he is approximately 30 times stronger than a normal adult), and his talent with the "mind-shadow" was extraordinary. The elders of his school suggested that he study off-world and hone his skills against great challenges the way his ancestors had. Thus, he left Tfosorcim and joined the Sentries. Though he is still young and immature, he has a great heart and passion for glory.

Powers/Tactics: ElNod can lift/press about 25 tons without too much strain, has a tough body with supplemental armor plates, and can make use of the Por’rif "mind-shadow" powers. In combat, Carapace Boy will attempt to get close to his target, envelop it in his darkness field and subdue it. His lack of combat training puts him at a serious disadvantage, compensated for only by the "mind-shadow" power. His own mind shadow powers are highly developed for his age, but he has a long way to go. At this time, the "illusions" ability will barely affect ground squirrels. He often day dreams of stalking along the hull of an enemy space-cruiser, using his "mind-shadow" to intimidate the villains inside by projecting dramatic music and sounds, just before he sunders the command module open and brings justice to the vile space marauders inside.

Appearance: Tall humanoid with brown skin and light green strips. Body covered with natural armor plating and tough hide. Plates appear at joints and vulnerable body areas. Limited body hair is short and wiry. He is considered handsome by the standards of his native people.

The Numbers:

STR 50, DEX 14, CON 20, BODY 15, INT 13, EGO 11, PRE 20, COM 10, PD 12, ED 12, SPD 5, REC 14, END 40, STUN 50


EC - "Mind Shadow", no range; slot a) Darkness v. Sight Group, Mind Scan, 2" r., 1/2 END, personal immunity, only v. things with EGO; slot b) Mental Illusions, 2d6, AE r., 8x r., 1/2 END; LS: immune to heat/cold; Damage Resistance +3 rPD, +3 rED; Armor +8 rPD, +4 rED, Activate 12-; UV Sight; Movement Multipower, 5-points; u Superleap +5"; u Running +2"


Stealth 12-; Fam.: Survival 8-; Fam.: Combat Driving, 8-; SC: metaphysics, 8-; Language (native); Language (conversational basic Galactic Language)


DF: humanoid with heavy natural body armor; Psych.: Responsibility of Power; Psych.: Feels compelled to create a good impression of his people, glory hound; Watched by his own people; Phys.: armor plates occasionally make normal life difficult (furniture, vehicles, etc.)

Copyright © 1998, 2000 by Morpheus Unbound. All rights reserved.
Last updated 03 March 2000 by
Patric L. Rogers.
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