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The Other

More than six years ago there emerged a new Epsilon class supervillain calling himself "the Other". He is known to be incredibly intelligent, skilled in many sciences, and he reads voraciously. He has an unquenchable search for knowledge, and the lust for power which often accompanies it (more power makes it easier to get more knowledge). He is a social recluse, and surrounds himself with automatons and almost-intelligent computers. He has access to a great deal of superhumanly high technology equipment, but this equipment has never been successfully captured or duplicated; it apparently contains self-destruct features.   Despite apparently being completely unable to understand it, the Other continues to dabble and tinker with supernatural forces.

The Other has a highly developed brain and nervous system. He is completely amoral, and has no patience for other people.  He has built many, many bases and servants to assist him in his quest for knowledge.  His most often encountered artificial servants are the Eta class SPB Synthoids.

Watch Tower has narrowly thwarted the Other several times in the past few years, thus making him an enemy.

Adobe Acrobat character sheet for the Synthoids.

Copyright © 1998 by Morpheus Unbound. All rights reserved.
Last updated 30 October 1998 by Patric L. Rogers.
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