Morpheus Unbound  |  Supporting Cast  |  Hero System

The Doctor

Created 1985 by Patric L. Rogers

Background: The Doctor has a mysterious background. It is known that he is a recognized and licensed financial analyst, and that he is extremely wealthy. He also appears to be something of a worldly playboy, with an extensive knowledge of both armed combat and thaumatergy.

Personality/Motivation: The Doctor is friendly and outgoing. He also tends to be an overconfident maverick. He keeps his cool under pressure, carefully thinking things through. He claims to be motivated by a sense of adventure, but the truth is more subtle: he has a deep sense of responsibility toward protecting the Earth and its inhabitants from threats, both other-worldly and extra-dimensional.

Quote: "Magic is the lifeblood of the universe. Anyone up for the theatre tonight?"

Powers/Tactics: The Doctor has an extensive background in magic and thaumaturgy and this gives him a powerful arsenal of magic spells and effects to draw upon. Unfortunately, he is limited by his human endurance and limitations, so he supplements himself with body armor and a 9mm pistol. He has found both to be valuable assets confronting magical foes, as they are often ill prepared for such mundane equipment.

He tries to keep his cool at all times. This is not to say he does not show emotion; on the contrary he enjoys displaying his emotions, but they are rarely strong emotions. He battles defensively, seeking cover than providing support to his allies, many of whom are better prepared for combat than he is.

Appearance: The Doctor is an athletic Caucasian man in his late 30's. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He stands 5'11" tall, and has a neatly trimmed goatee and mustache.

Campaign Use: As an NPC, the Doctor could appear as a super-team sponsor, fellow mystic, or even be encountered in his business dealings.

The Doctor (real name unrevealed)

Value Characteristic Cost 100+ Disadvantages
13 Strength 3 15 Secret ID
14 Dexterity 12 10 Hunted by the Cabal, 8- (a. pow)
18 Constitution 16 15 Hunted by Raven, 8- (a. pow, NCI)
11 Body 2 8 Watched by Tyrannon, 8- (m. pow)
18 Intelligence 8 8 Watched by the CIRCLE, 8- (a. pow., NCI)
25 Ego 30 5 Reputation: Maverick magician, 8-
15 Presence 5 15 Psych. Lim.: Protective of innocents (com., str.)
12 Comeliness 1 10 Psych. Lim.: Feels obligated to protect Earth against magical threats (unc., str.)
5 Physical Defense 2 5 Rivalry: other magicians
5 Energy Defense 1
5 Speed 26
7 Recovery 0
42 Endurance 3
28 Stun 1
Characteristic Total 110 Experience Spent
Power Total 225 Disadvantage Total
Total Points 335
Points Power End Cost
2 LS: Retarded Aging
2 +1" Running (7" total)
62 62-point Magic Spells Variable Power Pool
74 Control Cost: Cosmic (+2), limited to "established spells" (-1/4)
Skills Roll
3 PS: Financial Analyst 13-
1 KS: Politics 11-
3 Trading 12-
1 Fam.: Tactics 8-
1 Fam.: Combat Driving 8-
2 TF: Ground Vehicles
3 High Society 12-
1 KS: Demons and Angels 11-
2 KS: Thaumaturgy 13-
3 Scholar
2 Language (Hindi)
2 Language (Arabic)
0 Language (English, native)
5 +1 level HTH
10 +1 level Overall
5 WF: Small Arms, Bows, Common Melee Weapons
Perks Roll
1 Charge Accounts
1 Passport
10 Wealth
Body Armor (OIF)
12 Armor (6, 6)
3 Flash Defense (3 v. sight, 2 v. hearing)
3 Radio Listen and Transmit
9mm Automatic Pistol (OAF)
11 RKA, 1d6, +1 Stun Multiplier (+1/2), [12c]×2 (0)

Copyright © 1997-1999 by Morpheus Unbound.  All rights reserved.
Last updated 12 April 1999 by Patric L. Rogers.
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