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Half-Jack's Masters of Disaster


Value Characteristic
8 Level
220 Weight
30 Strength
14 Endurance
17 Agility
9 Intelligence
21 Charisma
Basic Hits 5
Carrying Capacity 3,124 lbs.
Basic HTH 1d12
Healing Rate 1.5
Hit Modifier 5.376
Hit Points 27
Power 70
Movement: 71" ground

  1. Heightened Expertise:  Jack's military background gives him a +4 on attack rolls with modern military firearms and knives.  He rarely uses these types of weapons anymore, prefering his raw strength and built-in weapon systems, even though his Expertise does not apply to those attacks.
  2. Bionics:  Over time, most of Half-Jack's body has been replaced with bionic and robotic components.  He is constantly upgrading his equipment and replacing body parts whenever he can find the money to pay a mad scientist to perform the work.
    • Robotic Body: While Half-Jack does not really have this power, he does gain Robotic Body defense at all times, at no cost.
    • Heightened Strength B: +20
    • Heightened Senses: Night Vision, IR Vision, enhanced natural senses (double Detection rolls)
    • Invulnerability: Armor plating, strengthened skeleton, and sub-dermal armorweave allow him to ignore the first 11 points of damage each turn.
    • Light Control: A laser built into his right arm has 15 charges, and does 2d8 damage to a range of 34".  He cannot otherwise create light or use this power for defense.
    • Power Blast:  A force blaster built into his right arm has 15 charges, and does 1d20 damage to a range of 22".  He can set up a Power Blast defense, which costs one charge and lasts one turn.
    • Mutant Power (Enevator Ray):  His right arm contains an experimental enervator ray.  This weapon has 15 charges, and a range of 17".  It attacks as Devitalization Ray.  The victim of the attack is weakened, losing 1d8×50 pounds of Carrying Capacity. Lost Carrying Capacity recovers at the rate of 50 lbs. per minute.
    • Speed Bonus: +10" ground move and +70" leaping move.
  3. Training: +2 on attack rolls with Force Blaster, and +2 on attack rolls with unarmed HTH

Background: Half-Jack was a normal mercenary soldier who survived more by tenacity and luck than by skill and cunning. He survived long enough to become third in command of his unit. He had gained enough experience to be a reasonable leader. During one operation, evrything went wrong and half the squad died, including the top two officers. Desperate to escape, the remaining team dragged Jack's body to the nearest shelter, which turned out to be a secret Intercrime lab. There, the doctors converted Jack into a cyborg using the experimental equipment they had been developing. When Jack awoke, his mind slipped a few gears and trashed the facility and dubbed himself Half-Jack.
     Half-Jack disappeared for a while, appearing periodically in the mercenary employ of one organization or another. Finally, he formed his own supervillain group and called them Half-Jack's Masters of Disaster.

Personality/Motivation: Half-Jack is obsessed with acquiring more money to further convert his body to a wholly robotic existance. He leads the Masters of Disaster because more villains can do more damage and steal or acquire more money. His level of loyalty for his followers waxes and wanes with his sense of humanity and his former life as a military fighter.

Personal Quote: "You cannot defeat me! You are merely flesh and blood, while I am the perfect blend of man and machine."

Powers/Tactics: Jack's bionic body parts make him faster, stronger, and more durable than mere mortals. His bionic right arm is equipped with several energy weapons and his senses have also been enhanced.
     Jack retains some of his military skills, including stealth, and has picked up some mechanical and electrical engineering knowledge to affect minor repairs on himself.  He does not have anywhere near enough knowledge to upgrade himself, so he has contacts with several mad scientists.

Appearance: Half-Jack is half robot, with his entire right side clearly being robotic and mechanical. His left side appears mostly human, but in truth a significant portion of his internal structure has been rebuilt with bionics.

Campaign Use: For all his power, Half-jack is not meant to be a serious villain. His sanity is too much in question for him to really focus on an objective for very long.

Notes:  Half-Jack is a HERO Games character originally published in Enemies II and later revised in Classic Enemies. I used Half-Jack and his team of loser misfits in college quite successfully for many years as recurring comic reflief.  This is a V&V interpretation loosly based on the Champions version to keep the flavor of the character.

Copyright © 2005 by Morpheus Unbound. All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright © HERO Games
Last updated 21 May 2005 by Patric L. Rogers.
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