Chain Lightning

Real Name:  Unknown
Group Affiliation: 
Richter 13 Resource Acquisition Team
Power Level:  Epsilon
Last Known Location:  Barcelona, Spain

Background:  Chain Lightning is the result of deliberate Spanish military experiments to create a superhuman.  She joined the military at age 18 and although she earned to marks, she was consistently skipped for promotion.  She volunteered for the experiment hoping to get taller.  She feels that Glorion truly believes that everyone is equal and that his rule of Europe will bring a new equality to the world.

Personality / Motivation:  She grew up in Madrid, the middle child in a family of seven.  She never felt like she got any attention and so she became a very selfish and self-serving person.  Her affiliation with Richter 13 is for the money and notoriety.  She has become talented at manipulating the news media and whenever there are cameras or reporters around, she is always sure to "put on a good show."

Quotes:  "None are more dangerous than Richter 13!"

Because of her small physical stature, Chain Lightning is easy to underestimate.  Considering that her lightning bolts can liquefy steel at 300', this is a very foolish thing to do.

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Powers / Tactics:  Chain Lightning can generate a protective energy field around herself and throw bolts of lightning.  If there are cameras to show off in front of, she will be out in the open blasting away.  Without a news crew, she will take cover behind the nearest large object.  As a former military person, she knows the value of taking orders and respects Raider's leadership.

She has superhuman endurance and can regenerate from any wound within minutes.  Glands in her mouth secrete a chemical which allows her to control the minds of others.  She rarely uses this ability.

Appearance:  Chain Lightning is a compact 5'2" tall.  She engages in strenuous regular exercise.  She is in her late-20s and attractive.

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