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Belinda Chesterfield was a nova-hot journalist working for the BBC. She could go anywhere and interview anyone. Her pet project was discovering the real source of funding and support for Richter 13. Two years ago, she uncovered extremely controversial evidence linking Glorion to Richter 13. Hinging on a key interview, the BBC went ahead with the story and Glorion was badly humiliated in public. In the swirl of the controversy, it was revealed that the key witness made the entire story up in an effort to take revenge on the BBC and Chesterfield for an unrequited infatuation he had with her. Chesterfield and her editors were humiliated and would never work again as respectable journalists.

It is unknown how Glaive gained her powers, but she is physically addicted to the pleasurable rush she gets from using them.  She can steal strength from others by creating a red tendril, and convert the energy in some way to enable her to boost the powers of others with a green tendril.  

Chesterfield desperately hopes to again become a respectable journalist, and is suspected of anonymously supplying news stories to various publications that follow supervillains.

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Copyright © 1998, 2000 by Morpheus Unbound. All rights reserved.
Last updated 19 March 2000 by Patric L. Rogers.
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