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Niles is a Squid (plural Squid); one of the two dominant life forms of an alternate reality Earth.  He is also the current head chef for Watch Tower, since Stanis Yeltzin stepped down from the position.

Niles is a Telepathic Squid (5d6 Telepathy, 0 END; +5d6, 2× END; Selective AE r. on 10d6, 2× END) from an alternate Earth. On his Earth, there are two dominant life forms, one of which is Squid. The two species get along pretty well. When the Squid reach an age between 40 and 60, they travel away from their communities to form a cocoon, mutate and emerge as a mutant squid. They can remain in the cocoon for many years. What they mutate in to is heavily influenced by the organisms in their environment. The mutation process is thought to be a gift from the gods, so that old Squid have something of a second chance at life. Naturally their religion is loaded with reincarnation stories. All the Squid are telepathic, but they can also communicate accoustically (in the Squid language) when underwater. Due to his exposure to humans, Niles' mutant ability is to breath air and survive in a dry environment. An earthquake caused Niles' cocoon to fall in to a deep chasm analagous to WT Earth's Marianis Trench. Team Alpha brought the cocoon back from a mission in to the Trench, and the WT tech staff spent months studying it without really learning anything. When Niles' body was done mutating, the fickle hand of fate reached forth and Stanis Yeltzin had an origin.

Niles is an excellent chef and loves cooking. He really gets off on learning new human Earth recipes and is constantly trying to adapt his native recipes to the human palate (he never tries to suprise anyone, and therefore has a few loyal volunteers on the staff who are usually willing to try his native recipes). He wrestled in "high school" and "college" and kept his skills sharp over the years. He and Kodiak Steel will regularly compare recipes and occassionally get in to a grand brawl just because they can. Niles' is privately convinced that he died and went to some form of heaven.

As a mutant Squid Niles is big (body length 2 meters, tentacle length 3 to 5 meters), strong (STR), tough (CON and PD) and adapted to living at the bottom of the ocean (LS). His ten tentacles give him many advantages (extra limbs, SPD, ambidexterity). He does have a bit of a problem in human society, though (DF).

STR 25, DEX 13, CON 20, BODY 12, INT 15, EGO 18, PRE 20, COM 10, PD 20, ED 12, SPD 8, REC 10, END 58, STUN 39

Growth +1, 0E, P, AO; Extra Limbs; Damage Resistance +8 rPD, +2 rED; Damage Reduction 1/2 PD; Telepathy 5d6, 0E; Telepathy +5d6, 2×END; Swimming +12", 8× NCM; Stretching +2", 0 END; LS:  breath water, immune to pressure and cold

Ambidexterity; PS: Chef 15-; Wrestling Package; 2 levels HTH; KS:  Haute Cuisine 14-; KS: Earth History 11-; KS:  Earth Culture 11-; Scholar; PS: Maitre D' 11-; SCI: Oceanography 12-

DF:  Squid

Copyright © 1998 by Morpheus Unbound. All rights reserved.
Last updated 31 October 1998 by Patric L. Rogers.
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