Well done!  Planning and hard work clearly paid off and Y2K was nothing more than a big party.  Don't get cocky and assume the problem was small to begin with.  You people worked very hard and deserve lots of kudos.  Now, I wonder what will happen to grocery stores with so many people having stocked up...<g>

While the rest of this page is now a little dated, I'll leave it up as a reminder of how feline wisdom is superior to human silliness.

Way back in 1999 C.E. I wrote:  After 5000 years of trying to teach you humans how to build computers, you finally learn and then you screw it up. 

Yes, it was us cats that taught you humans how to make computers, despite what you might want to think.  We use our Feline ESP to control your computers and communicate with each other on a global scale.  That's a very nice thing.

Somehow, you've created a problem that in a mere two generations can unravel 10,000 years of human social development in one night.  Truely amazing.  How do you people forget that Rome wasn't built in a day, nor was it built with computers.  They did it by cooperating with each other and being nice to each other and using human creativity and human labor.  It's called COMMUNITYHow is it that you people have forgotten how to do that?  How is it that you've let little plastic boxes drive you so far away from each other that you must flee to the wilderness and turn your backs on each other because you fear the consequences of one night?

You humans really worry me.  You have got to learn to relax and be mellow and be strong like a cat.

The millenium does not begin in the year 2000.  It begins in 2001.

Lemme show you by deconstructing it.  If 2000 were the first year of the 3rd millenium (which it is not), then that means the 2nd M was 1000 to 1999 (which so many people seem willing to believe).  That means the 1st M was from year 0 to 999.  Hey, people, you did not start your calendar with the year 0.  The Christian world didn't yet have the concept of the zero at the time. (Here is a helpful little site that explains it well.)

The Third Millenium starts on Monday, January 1, 2001.  Personally, I think it's some kind of great karmic joke that it starts on a Monday.  *hehe*

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