April, 2000

April 1 (Saturday):  Happy April Fool's Day!  *hah*  I gave my brother David such an incredible scare with the prank I played on him!  I got Bill H. to help me out last night:  we moved all my home entertainment equipment to the garage and hid it under a big tarp.  I could hardly contain myself when David came over with his friend Charlie and he saw it all missing.  Their eyes bugged out and their mouths hit the floor!  I don't know how I managed it, but I told David I gave it all away to Stassi.  Told him I figured I didn't need it anymore and with her kids she could use it.  I had him going for almost 10 minutes, but when he practically started crying, I couldn't take it anymore and I had to tell him!  I shouted "April Fool!" so loud I'm sure the neighbors heard, then I fell over laughing.  He was so mad and so relieved at the same time.  It was another ten minutes before I could stop laughing enough to help them move everything back inside.  It was great!  David has vowed revenge for next year.  He's very creative, so I know I'm in trouble.  But it was well worth it!  (I'm starting to cry as I type this just remembering the look on his face!)

April 2 (Sunday):  On the X-files tonight Fox Mulder made a comment that he couldn't slow down because if he did "he wouldn't know what he was missing."  I thought about that a bit and realized that I'm not an action junkie as much as I am an experience junkie.  I'm never home because if I was I'd be missing something going on in the world.  I like action, but that's not what drives me.  Just an interesting sub-text to my life.  BTW, I was over at Casey's watching X-files with three other friends that she introduced me to.  We get together about once a month for dinner and X-files (or a movie if it's a re-run).

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