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The Lord's Falcon

Introduction:  Lord's Falcon is a group of adventurers who have banded together for the purpose of bringing justice and order to the land. They travel far and wide slaying monsters, doing good deeds, and more importantly catching and foiling those criminals who had considered themselves beyond the law or beyond justice. They are not above deposing immoral or evil monarchies.

Membership:  Pendragon is the accepted and undisputed leader. All others look to him as a mentor, friend, and focal point. Other members include the dwarven thief Marly Copperbone and the noble-born conjurer Aria Tanstaafaal. Brawler the farm-boy, and Denali the healing priestess come from the lower classes of society. Finally, is Ricardo "Hero" Ramuirez who has come from another time and dimension.

Origin and History:  After being adopted and raised by peace-keeping warrior-monks in the lands to the Far East, Pendragon returned to the lands of his birth to find them lacking justice. After establishing a small reputation for himself, the encountered a farm boy with superhuman strength and out-standing moral character. Pendragon was inspired to form a team to help him. He arranged for Brawler to receive a year of proper combat training, then he went off in search of his other team members.

Goals:  To do good deeds and bring law and justice to an otherwise unfair world. They deal equally with all classes of society seeking to capture criminals and hold those in power responsible for their actions. Note, that "justice" usually means capturing the criminal so that the local court system can deal with him. Killing the accused is not really the best way to handle things.

Team Tactics:  When they can, Marly and Hero will pick off targets with ranged attacks. When the enemy closes ranks, Brawler and Hero from the front line, with Pendragon and Marly in the last rank. Pendragon provides tactical commands and mixes it up with the enemy wherever he is most useful. Denali and Aria form the middle rank, where they can use their spells for offense or defense as needed.

Relations:  Pendragon is the undisputed leader and mentor. Marly is the grandfather to everyone (except Aria as they connect almost entirely on the overwhelming sense of duty / responsibility level). Denali is quiet and pretty comfortable letting anyone else leÅad. Hero is having a grand time being a hero. Brawler is the perpetual naive and innocent-at-heart farm-boy, with a puppy dog crush on Aria and he reallÃy doesn't understand Marly (which sometimes out as disdain or frustration). Brawler and Hero have trouble sometimes with the idea of killing as "necessary" or "practical" (even if it is some horrible, ugly orc).

Scenario Use:  A good aligned party would most likely become allied with the Lord's Falcon.  If the PCs ever become cruel, ruthless rulers of their land or commit crimes (even theft) against the people or just rulers of a land, Lord's Falcon may try to track them down and bring them to justice.

Creator's Notes:  I originally created Lord's Falcon in 1989 with a different set of characters. I'm a superhero gamer at heart, and sometimes this leaks over to my other games. I love the dramatic and epic tales possible in superhero gaming, and I really get off on characters having "superhuman" abilities.

(Name, Race, Class, Alignment, Sex, Age, Level, Armor Class, Hit Points, Experience Points.)

Copyright © 1989-1999 by Patric L. Rogers.  All rights reserved.
Last updated 06 July 1999 by
Patric L. Rogers.
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