FAQ - Jennifer Mulligan

Jennifer Mulligan, Paramedic.  The lineage of this particular FAQ is checkered, but ultimately it derives from a character development list of questions published in FASA's Shadowrun 2d Edition RPG.

What is the color of the character's hair, eyes, and skin?  

    Brown hair that always curls slightly at the end.  Brown eyes with slight variation depending on mood.  "Average" Caucasian skin tone.  Usually has a light tan because it makes her look better and feel better about herself (tanning booths are great).

What is the character's general appearance? Does the character stand erect or stooped?  Dress anachronistically, stylishly, or inauspiciously? Look intimidating or casual? What might someone  seeing the character for the first time think?

    Jennifer dresses casually preferring mock-necks or turtle necks and jeans.  She is both proud and self-conscious of her physique.  She does own a few nice dresses, but doesn't wear them often.  She sticks to timeless styles, dressing inauspiciously.  She walks erect and makes eye contact with most people.  Upon meeting her most people think "Hey, she seems nice, but I'd better not make her angry because she could snap me like a twig!"

Where was the character born?

    Lexington, Kentucky

What is the character's age?

    DOB July 14, 1973.  So she's 26 when the Four Winds story starts.

What was the character's family life like?

    Well balanced loving and nurturing. Her parents have a healthy open relationship with each other and the children.  Certainly not idyllic, but much more well balanced than most of America.  Every summer they will spend one or two weeks travelling to some "exotic" local within the U.S.  Typically this is camping at a National Park or hanging at Disney World, or similar.

Has the character begun her own family?

    Nope.  Hasn't quite found the right guy to settle down with.  Not really in a hurry at this point, either.

When or how was the character educated?

    She completed high school in Lexington, then went to Michigan to get her medical training.

Has the character ever done anything else for a living?

    Couple summers working for Arbys during high school.  Summer after Freshman year of college doing clerical work at her mother's office.  After that, she took EMT training and her career path was set.

What about the character's political and religious beliefs?

    Jennifer is a moderately conservative Catholic.  She's not a very well behaved Catholic.

What is the character's moral code?

    Well synchronized with the Ten Commandments, but especially Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Does the character have any goals?

    At age 26, she is looking to save lives and experience life. Eventually she wants to start a family and raise a couple kids.  She'll probably cut back her work schedule when her kids are young but she won't stop working completely.

What is the character's personality?

    Jennifer is friendly, but private.  She'll happily encourage people to talk about themselves (and she really listens), and always changes the topic when asked about herself.  She is very proud of herself, her accomplishments and her family, but she is very private. 

    Jenn is more pragmatic and realistic than fanciful or visionary.  She is creative, but still well grounded.  For example, she doesn't believe in UFOs or Atlantis, but her scientific mind is open to extra-terrestrial life or sunken land-masses.

What special qualities does the character possess? This doesn't necessarily refer to skills, but to what the character can do well. Does he get along well with other people? Is he skilled at taking care of business? Prioritizing tasks? Planning ahead?

    Jennifer is level-headed in tough situations.  She thinks fast and acts faster.  She maintains pretty tight control over her schedule, separating work from play.

Are there certain things the character just cannot do?  Get close to people? Perceive himself realistically?

    She cannot kill, nor allow others to kill.  She will always stop at accidents to see if she can help.  Her sense of responsibility to saving lives could over-whelm her someday if she doesn't get a realistic grip on it.

What does the character hate?

    Bigots, murders, callousness. 

    Jennifer hates to admit it, but she is a bit homophobic.  Homosexual women bother her a lot more than homosexual men.  While she's normally an attentive person, she subconsciously carries an attitude of "don't ask, don't tell" because she really doesn't want to know about people's sexual preferences.

What does the character love?

    Her family.  She doesn't always agree with them, but she loves them and always spends too much money on them at their birthdays and Christmas.  Speaking of Christmas, it's her absolute favorite holiday of the year.

What is the character's full name? Nicknames?

    Jennifer Laurel Anne-Margaret Mulligan.  Her maternal grandmother was named Laurle, and her semi-famous paternal great-aunt was Ann-Margaret.

    Her nicknames are "Jenn" and recently "Lucky Charm."

How does the character perceive government? Those who are opposed to the government?

    Jennifer is supportive of government.  She feels that anything wrong with it can only be solved by working within the system.  Pushing the system is OK.  Breaking or outright defying the system is not.

How does the character interact with other members of the group? Are they protective of some members? Has the character developed a rivalry with another character? Are there any romantic interests the character would like to pursue?

    Well, at this time she's trying to follow their activities in the newspapers and through rumors among her medical and law enforcement contacts.

How did the character gain her abilities? What was her first reaction? What motivates him to act as a hero now?

    Jennifer's Y2K power is the ability to steal (absorb) the powers of a dying person.  Later, she acquired her gravity control powers while trying to save the powered criminal Gravity (i.e. Gravity I).  Unfortunately, he died in her arms asking her to "make something of her life" with his dying words.  Initially she was in shock because her entire world had been turned upside down (literally).  She was afraid what her friends and family would think.  However, as time passed she began to realize how she could use her powers to help people on a greater scale.  Having her brother David know aabout her powers has made things easier for her, because she has a confidant.  David's knowledge of comic book characters also gives her a frame of reference on how she "should" do things.

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