
Keeping a secret identity is going to be difficult for Gravity.  Jennifer Mulligan never does anything half-way, and once she accepts that she has powers and that "with great power comes great responsibility" she will want to use them whenever she thinks they are the best way to solve a problem.  This could mean using them to stop purse-snatchers, catch people who leap from burning buildings, or save someone who is trapped inside a wrecked car.  She will want to have a secret identity to protect herself and her family -- their privacy mostly, but later from any criminals and enemies she might make. 

Naturally, juggling her normal job and her "heroic" career could be difficult depending on how she perceives the "heroics" of it.  If she expects to be primarily reactionary, then she will feel compelled to become a full time "hero."  However, if she finds herself in a more proactive role -- where she can schedule her "heroics" -- the she will be more comfortable and better able to keep a secret identity and a "normal" life.

Image copied from X-Men Volume 1, Number 100, published May, 2000.  Used without permission.

Copyright © 1999-2002 by Patric L. Rogers.  All rights reserved.

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